Springdale, UT

We spent a couple nights in Springdale near the entrance to Zion National Park. The town is nestled in a valley with spectacular views all around. These were from the window of the hotel room.

As we arrived at the hotel, a tour bus full of people arrived too. The next morning, the breakfast seating area was completely full of those tourists who seem to have set their alarm clock to the same time I did. Therefore, I had to sit outside on the deck. As you can see, I wasn’t suffering at all. 😄

There are loads of hotels along the highway in Springdale, and a very convenient bus runs the length of them and right to the entrance of the park. We and many others boarded the bus just near the hotel and, after 4 more stops, it dropped us at the park, which I’ll cover in another post.

We had a terrific dinner at the Bit and Spur, which has both indoor and outdoor seating. We chose to eat outside, because it had cooled into the 90s by that point in the evening and there was a pleasant breeze. The drinks were moderately priced, the service was great, and the food was delicious, including these yummy sweet potato tamales, one pork and one mushroom.

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