Data-Activated Replicated Object-based Communications (DAROC)
DAROC is a middleware system that aims to make distributed computing very easy. It abstracts communications and timing from user-applications by making the application think they are simply accessing local objects. These objects are atomically transferred from writer programs to reader programs, all of which is hidden from the applications. The application programmers only know that they always have the latest version of the data they need when they start each execution cycle.
DAROC is a very powerful idea and, and as such, is influencing our middleware design for HIPerWall. Though HIPerWall is more of a parallel system than a distributed one, the middleware will borrow ideas from DAROC and other publish/subscribe middleware.
B. M. Stack, G. Hsiao, and S. F. Jenks, “A Middleware Architecture to Facilitate Distributed Programming – DAROC: Data-Activated Replicated Object Communications,” Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), vol. 22, no. 1-2, pp. 88-101.
B. M. Stack and S. F. Jenks, “A Middleware Architecture to Facilitate Distributed Programming,” in Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Las Vegas, 2003.