I wrote an article for Sound and Communications Magazine on Video Wall Fault Tolerance.
I wrote an article for Sound and Communications Magazine on Video Wall Fault Tolerance. http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/544901a3#/544901a3/53 In March, I wrote a post on Fault Tolerance for the Hiperwall blog. I’ll link to it here since my name didn’t get attached to it there.
![]() Hiperwall is the product derived from HIPerWall the research project. NASA and Apple both have Hyperwall systems, which are unrelated to each other and unrelated to Hiperwall. . . . → Read More: On the origins of the Hiperwall name NEC Display Solutions announced today that they are partnering with Hiperwall for our software to power high-resolution display walls (sorry, I can’t stand the more limiting term “video walls”). For more information, read their press release. I’ve been intrigued with low-power Intel Atom + NVIDIA Ion combinations for a while now and have recently put together a little net-top computer with a 1.8GHz Atom (dual-core + Hyperthreading) paired with an Ion2 plus 4GB RAM and the hard disk left over after I upgraded my PS3’s drive. The unit is a very . . . → Read More: Atom Observations ![]() The HIPerWall system was a pretty impressive collection of hardware for 2005, with 50 processors (more were added later), 50 GB of RAM, more that 10 TB of storage (we got a gift of 5TB worth of drives for our RAID system from Western Digital), and 50 of the nicest monitors available, but it was . . . → Read More: The History of HIPerWall:The Research Software (2005-2006) Reposted from my Asymmetric Computing blog. For those of us interested in GPU computing, Greg Pfister has written an interesting article entitled “Nvidia-based Cheap Supercomputing Coming to an End” commenting on the future of NVIDIA’s supercomputing technology that has been subsidized by gamers and commodity GPUs. It looks like Intel’s Sandy Bridge architecture may end . . . → Read More: Asymmetric Computing: Days of Cheap GPU Computing may be over I added a new biographical summary to the “About me” page. It covers my work at Northrop Grumman, UCI, and Hiperwall Inc. Once we won the NSF grant to develop HIPerWall, we had to decide the exact details of the hardware to purchase and nail down the hardware and software architecture. We knew that we wanted high-resolution flat panel monitors driven by powerful computers connected via a Gigabit Ethernet switch. We also knew that we did not . . . → Read More: The History of HIPerWall:Hardware and Architecture This is my attempt to relate the history of the Highly Interactive Parallelized display Wall (HIPerWall) research project that led to the development of some of the highest resolution tiled display walls in the world and eventually led to Hiperwall Inc., which commercialized the technology. This is the first part of several that will explore . . . → Read More: The History of HIPerWall:Origins |